Thu. Sep 5th, 2024

3 Qul Rumi

The 3 Qul, short for Surah Al-Ikhlas, Surah Al-Falaq, and Surah An-Nas, are three chapters from the Quran that hold special significance in Islamic tradition. These chapters are recited frequently by Muslims for protection, seeking refuge, and expressing the oneness of Allah. Surah Al-Ikhlas emphasizes the concept of monotheism, stating that Allah is uniquely indivisible. Surah Al-Falaq seeks protection from the harms of the unseen world, while Surah An-Nas seeks refuge from the evil of human whispers and influences.

Together, these three chapters are commonly recited for spiritual well-being and seeking Allah’s guidance and protection.

Surah 3 Qul:

1) Surah AL-Ikhlas:

surah ikhlas

Rumi Transliteration:

  • Bismillahir-Rahmanir-Rahim
  • Qul Huwa Allahu Ahad
  • Allahu As-Samad
  • Lam yalid wa lam yulad
  • Wa lam yakul lahu kufuwan ahad

2) Surah Falaq

surah falaq

Rumi Transliteration:

  • Bismillahir-Rahmanir-Rahim
  • Qul A’uuzu Birobbil Falaq
  • Min Sharrimaa Kholaq
  • Wa Min Sharri Ghoosiqin Izaa Waqob
  • Wa Min sharrin Naffaasati fil ‘Uqad
  • Wa Min Sharri haaSidin Izaa Hasad

3) Surah Naas

surah naas

Rumi Transliteration:

  • Bismillahir-Rahmanir-Rahim
  • Qul A’uuzu Birobbinnaas
  • Malikinnaas
  • Ilaahinnaas
  • Min Sharril Waswaasil Khonnaas
  • Allazii Yuwas Wisu fii Suduu Rinnaas
  • Minal Jinnati Wannaas

Advantages of Reading Surah 3 Qul:

Reading the 3 Qul, which consists of Surah Al-Ikhlas, Surah Al-Falaq, and Surah An-Nas, holds several spiritual and practical advantages in Islamic tradition:

1) Spiritual Protection:

The 3 Qul are often recited for spiritual protection. Surah Al-Falaq and Surah An-Nas specifically seek refuge in Allah from various harms, including those from the unseen world, evil forces, and the harmful effects of envy.

2) Monotheistic Emphasis:

Surah Al-Ikhlas highlights the concept of Tawhid, the oneness of Allah. It succinctly expresses the monotheistic belief that Allah is unique, eternal, and self-sufficient, having no partners or children.

3) Simplicity and Conciseness:

The 3 Qul are short chapters with concise messages, making them easy to memorize and recite regularly. This allows individuals to incorporate them into daily prayers and seek protection with ease.

3) Daily Practice:

Many Muslims incorporate the recitation of the 3 Qul into their daily routines, such as during morning and evening supplications. This consistent practice helps maintain a strong connection with Allah and serves as a reminder of His protection.

3) Cleansing and Purification:

Reading the 3 Qul is believed to have a purifying effect on the heart and soul. It is considered a means of seeking Allah’s guidance and cleansing oneself from negative influences.

4) Community and Family Tradition:

Reciting the 3 Qul is often a shared practice within families and communities. This creates a sense of unity and strengthens the bonds among individuals who engage in this spiritual tradition together.

5) Seeking Healing:

In Islamic tradition, the recitation of certain verses, including the 3 Qul, is believed to have healing properties. Some people recite them for physical and spiritual well-being, seeking Allah’s mercy and protection from ailments.

It’s important to note that the advantages of reading the 3 Qul are deeply rooted in the beliefs and practices of Islam, and individuals may find spiritual comfort, guidance, and protection through the regular recitation of these chapters.

How to Read Ayat 3 Qul Before Slpeeing?

Reading the 3 Qul (Surah Al-Ikhlas, Surah Al-Falaq, and Surah An-Nas) before sleeping is a recommended practice in Islamic tradition for seeking protection and blessings. Here is a simple guide on how to incorporate the recitation of the 3 Qul before bedtime:

1) Perform Ablution (Wudu):

Before engaging in any form of Quranic recitation or prayer, it is advisable to perform ablution to ensure a state of cleanliness.

2) Make the Intention (Niyyah):

Have a sincere intention in your heart that you are reciting the 3 Qul for the purpose of seeking protection, blessings, and the mercy of Allah before sleeping.

3) Seek Allah’s Protection:

After completing the recitation, you can take a moment to make personal supplications, asking Allah for protection, guidance, and blessings for yourself, your family, and all believers.

4) Blow Lightly on Your Hands:

Some people follow the tradition of lightly blowing on their hands after the recitation and then passing their hands over their face and body. This is believed to seek Allah’s protection for the entire body.

5) Recite Ayat-ul-Kursi (Optional):

Additionally, you may choose to recite Ayat-ul-Kursi (Verse 255 of Surah Al-Baqarah) before or after the 3 Qul for added blessings and protection.

6) Sleep with a Positive State of Mind:

After completing these recitations, go to sleep with a positive and tranquil state of mind, trusting in Allah’s protection.

It’s important to note that while the recitation of the 3 Qul before sleeping is a recommended practice, it is not obligatory. Individuals can adjust the practice based on personal preferences and circumstances. The key is to approach the recitation with sincerity and a mindful connection to Allah.